Restaurants Brighton
Jobs Blog

Ivanka Majic

What’s it like winning a BRAVO Award?

We talk with several BRAVO-winning businesses from last year’s 2023 BRAVO awards, gaining insights into their experiences and discovering what it’s like to achieve such a prestigious accolade. The feedback and quotes from winners provide valuable perspectives on the significance of winning a BRAVO Award and offers a glimpse into the impact it has on the public voted venues.

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Aaron Calder Vegan, sat in the Roundhill, Fiveways area of Brighton.
Ivanka Majic

Aaron Calder

Having embraced a vegetarian lifestyle since the age of 11, Aaron later transitioned to veganism after a significant health scare, and he hasn’t turned back since. Aaron has become a prominent online resource for vegan recipes, videos, and advice, making a positive impact in the vegan community.

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Simon Stern from The Better Half Pub in Hove

Simon Stern

We meet and interview Simon Stern from the super friendly and quirky Better Half pub, tucked away in Hove near the seafront.

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Ed Cootes at Plotting Parlour
Ivanka Majic

Meet Edward Cootes

Ed Cootes, owner of The Plotting Parlour, shares insights into his business and the significance of the BRAVO awards in Brighton.

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Ivanka Majic

Meet Noel Preston

Noel from Preston Insurance Brokers introduces us to his Brighton hospitality world and tells us about his big list of favourite restaurants.

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