Restaurant Brighton's post on

Write reviews. Support local

If you like them let them know…

And let as many other people know too. By sharing a review of a cafe, restaurant, bar or pub that you love, you are helping them gain more business and be successful. 

We would prefer you to write your reviews on (of course we would – it’s our business) – so we’ve made it really easy to leave a verified review. But there are other reasons too and we have listed some good ones.

Write A Review

When you write your review on

Mange Tout Review

Why use a local website?

  • We eat and drink here. is a small local business. We focus on food and drink in Brighton and Hove and surrounding Sussex. 
  • We live here. We are not a big faceless international website, we really do care about the vibrancy and health of our local community – because we live in it. 
  • We are proud of Brighton’s variety. We verify reviews because we understand the power of words. We celebrate the diversity of choice on offer. You can read our editorial policy here


If you really aren’t minded to write a review on – and we hope you are then there are some nice ways to show your support;

  • Tell a friend – you know, when you are talking to them and you just had a nice meal or a nice coffee or cake. Tell them.
  • Take a photo and pop it on the internet. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, they all count.
  • Criticize in private, compliment in public. If you don’t have great experience give the venue an opportunity to get it right by letting them know in private – they will usually value the feedback.
  • Look out for our QR codes for a quick way to get started.