Case study: Staff retention, lost in the lanes cafe restaurant, Brighton

Our Sustainability Change: Deliver staff rotas a month ahead.

Lost in the Lanes has a reputation as a great place to work by allowing staff to create a work life balance.

A lack of employee retention in hospitality costs the sector £275 million per year. This doesn’t take into account the number of wasted hours that owners and managers would put into training staff, only to have them leave shortly after.” – Big Hospitality

The approach

When she started the business Natalie decided that a focus on staff well-being would be at the core of how Lost in the Lanes would operate. Understanding that working in the hospitality industry makes it hard to plan time with family, friends or for personal project she set out to make sure people at least knew when they were working.

The bottom line is to provide a business where staff can feel a sense of belonging: valued and respected. Without the people the business is not going to flourish. They bring ideas and skills and push the business forward.” – Natalie Demtriou, owner, Lost in the Lanes

About Lost in the Lanes

  • Open for 7 years
  • Cafe restaurant  where every day is a special occasion
  • Seats 60

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one more thing Lost in the Lanes does to be sustainable

We are really proud of being conscious of our food waste. We have very little each week and this takes lots of effort and energy from our kitchen team.” 

favourite suppliers

  • We have worked with Mick at Steyning Butchers since day one. He is a gem!
  • We love Rookery Farm (eggs)
  • Shrub too (for local very fresh produce).
  • We love The Sussex Kitchen for their amazing breads and pastries.
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Sustainability checklist

It takes about 7 minutes to complete this checklist. It covers:

  1. Water
  2. Energy and gas supply
  3. Menu and food waste
  4. Waste reduction, materials and chemicals
  5. Social sustainability

You can dive right in and start completing the checklist or you can use the button below to find out more.


Academic team: Dr Adam Jones, Dr Francisca Farache Aureliano Da Silva, Dr Tim Laing, Dr Julian Riano

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