Our weeknotes seem to have become our “every couple of weeks” notes, reflecting a period where we all had to come to terms with working asynchronously. Coordinating a meeting with everyone’s commitments proved challenging, so we agreed on a few things:
- We use Slack. At RB, we rely on Slack as we all work from home and have never had an office. Slack allows us to communicate without overwhelming our email inboxes.
- We set deadlines for feedback. This ensures work continues even if we can’t respond immediately. Not everyone needs to be involved in every conversation.
- We divide responsibilities. Each of us handles specific tasks, seeking input from others as needed.
All this important but seemingly unproductive work has led to significant progress this week:
- The checklist is ready to be put online so we can start testing it.
- We have a first pass at the online toolkit site.
- We have recorded our first case study video which we will be using to template the others.
- We have decided on a date and format for our event. July 9th – daytime – and we will be running it as an opportunity for various stakeholders, including restaurant and cafe owners, as well as council and community representatives to discuss some of the issues venue owners face when trying to adopt more sustainable practices. If you would like to get involved, please get in touch.
It definitely feels like work is properly underway now. I will endeavour to be better at maintaining the weeknotes, which I proposed as a good idea!
More very soon and, in the meantime, please get in touch if you have any questions or comments.